Contributors: Peter Skriver, Peter Korsgaard, Henrik Dupont, Gregers Algreen-Ussing, Ole Degn, Gitte Hansen samt introduktioner og referat af mødet. Ansvh. redaktør: Vibeke Dalgas, redaktionsgruppe: Mette Ladegaard Thøgersen, Sven Illeris, Søren Bitsch Christensen.
The book consists of papers from a seminar in November 2007 with the participation of urban planners, historians, cultural geographers etc. The purpose of the meeting and this publication is first and foremost to raise awareness of urban historical cartography as a method and analytical tool, and to open up an interdisciplinary dialogue and exchange of experience between urban historians and cartographers from different fields. The book includes descriptions of a number for cartographic projects, which can be used in research, registration and documentation of archaeology, cultural history and architecture and in theoretical considerations of cartography and urban history.
Byerne og den byhistoriske kartografi (The Cities and the Cartography of Urban History)
Skrifter om dansk byhistorie 5, Byplanhistoriske noter 60. (Writings on Danish Urban History 5. Notes on History of Urban Planning 60)
Danish Centre for Urban History and The Laboratory for History of Urban Planning, 2008
103 p., ill.
ISBN 978-87-87487-08-5