Shop, consumer, city - production of consumption 1660-2015

Oplysninger om arrangementet


Torsdag 17. september 2015,  kl. 09:00 - 17:00


Odense Bys Museer, Odense



9.00: Arrival, coffee

9.15: Welcome, Nina Koefoed and Jens Toftgaard

9.30: Jon Stobart: Places of Consumption: from City to Country House and Back Again

10.30: Break

10.45: Dorthe Gert Simonsen: American cool. Consuming the blue jeaned body, 1950-70

11.45: Break

12.00: Mary Hilson: Consumer co-operatives and the production of consumption

13.00: Lunch

14.00: Ole Hyldtoft: Om forbrug i dansk forskning siden 1970

14.30: Mikkel Venborg Pedersen, short introduction to consumption and the case-studies

14.40: Jakob Ørnbjerg: The operations of a Danish provincial pharmacy at the end of the 1600s

15.00: Signe Steen Boeskov: Shopping – from the European City to the Danish Manor House. Jørgen Scheel (1768-1825), an aristocratic consumer

15.15: Coffee

15.30: Jens Toftgaard: Retail trade and the transformation of the urban landscape and economy since 1850

15.50: Kristoffer Jensen: Danish consumer cooperation between business and social movement

16.10: Recapitulation, Mikkel Venborg Pedersen

16.30: Discussion

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