Exchanges: European Cities and the Wider Urban World

The European Association for Urban History (EAUH) is hosting a One-Day Conference.

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onsdag 6. september 2023, kl. 10:00 - . kl.



The symposium will be focusing on cultural and material exchanges between urban Europe and the wider urban world, extending across all historical periods. The aim is to contribute to the larger global urban history currently being written by helping to situate European cities, not solely as the locus of post/colonial power but also as sites of exchange. 

Exchange might include one or more of the following: 

  • Movements of people and goods  
  • Trade flows and relationships 
  • Cultural exchange: foods, street naming, statuary, etc. 
  • Transformation of technologies e.g. sanitation, across urban settings 
  • Architecture and planning: collaborations and influences 
  • The export and import of ideas between urban spaces 


Above all, EAUH are looking for presentations that stimulate new thinking about the relationship of urban Europe with other parts of the world. 


KEYNOTE LECTURE: Peter Stabel (Centre for Urban History, Antwerp)  on the comparative and entangled urban history of Latin Europe, the Islamic Worlds and the Byzantine Empire.  


The conference committee welcomes proposals (max 300 words) from scholars at all career levels, including graduate students, and that address diversity.  


Deadline for Submission: 1 April 2023 

Notification of Acceptance: June 2023 


Submit proposals and inquiries to: 

Simon Gunn 

Rosemary Wakeman 

Read more at:

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