Datasprint: Copenhagen 1885 – illuminated by digital methods through census, maps, photos

Interested in digital humanities? Want to improve you digital research skills? Sign up for Copenhagen 1885 – illuminated by digital methods, a datasprint organized by Digital History Methods Lab and [HUMlab].

Examine the social and cultural history of Copenhagen in a completely new way through digitized demographic data, literature, maps, and photos. Work in groups to explore the data and learn how to find patterns using software like ArcGIS, OpenRefine, and Excel.

The datasprint is for all students and researchers at Danish universities who are interested in digital humanities and exploring different types of software and digital research methods. Prior knowledge of and experience with digital methods is not a prerequisite, but a good deal of curiosity is.

The datasprint will take place over the course of two days next semester: Friday, October 26 at 12:00-17:00 and Saturday, October 27 at 10:00 - 17:00 at the Cultural Heritage Hall in The Black Diamond.

Find more information and sign up here  

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