Call for papers: International conference on the urban night: Governance, Diversity, Mobility

7-8 June 2018, hosted by Sofia University, Sofia, Bulgaria Organisers: Cosmopolis Centre for Urban Research, VUB, Brussels; Department of Economics of Transport and Energy, UNWE; Research Centre for Social Studies, Sofia University

The night-time city has been the subject of both romanticising and commodification. Efforts to politicise, monetise, police and reclaim it have been intensifying in many cities worldwide. From quantifying the value of a night-time economy to campaigning for night-time public transport, various urban actors have sought to shape how the night is governed, and to what ends.

This conference seeks to bring together geographically diverse contributions on the urban night, from academia and beyond. Our aim is to provide a space for critical debate across a range of perspectives on urban night governance; to identify opportunities for international collaboration; and to promote engaged academic research. In particular, the event seeks to generate dialogue between diverse disciplines and/or research topics, identifying connections across aspects of the night-time, from transport to culture and from gender to tourism.

Contributions can take the form of either 15-minute conference papers or posters, although we are also open to discussing other formats.

The topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Governance and contestation of the urban night;
  • Night-time transport, including public transport at night; delivery services and logistics; ride-hailing;
  • Night-time work;
  • Safety and diversity n in the night-time city: income, age, gender, sexuality, ethnicity, (dis)ability;
  • Tourism, leisure and culture;
  • Illumination, sound and design.

Keynote lectures will be given by Prof Dr Get Duijzings (University of Regensburg) and Prof Marion Roberts (University of Westminster), with further keynote speakers to be announced shortly. The event will also include a workshop for civil society representatives to serve as a platform for future collaboration.

To take part in this event, please submit an abstract of 300 words no later than Wednesday, 31 January, 2018. Abstracts can be submitted by email to Dr Anna Plyushteva,

Please specify if your contribution is intended as 15-minute presentation, poster, or another format.

The language of the conference is English.

The registration fee for this conference is 25 euro. The fee covers lunch and refreshments on both days, as well as an optional excursion on Saturday, 9 June.

A limited number of bursaries will be offered to local and international presenters including a registration fee waiver and a small contribution towards participation costs. Please mention if you would like to be considered for a bursary when submitting an abstract.

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