Ringskou, Christian, Købstaden og den nye by - Ringkøbing og Skjern i afhængige og uafhængige variabler 1880-1921 ("The market town and the new city - Ringkøbing and Skjern in dependent and independent variables 1880-1921"). Learn more here (in Danish).
Holmqvist, Silke:The figure of the guest worker - Emotions, places and images of immigration in Denmark ca. 1960-1989. Learn more here.
Høghøj, Mikkel: Da Aarhus blev moderne – Velfærdsspørgsmålets betydning for udformningen og transformationen af det moderne Aarhus 1900-1970 ("When Aarhus became modern - the question of welfare and its impact on the design and transformation of the modern Aarhus 1900-1970") Learn more here(in Danish).
Kellsal, Philip: Crisis and Change: The Development of Dutch-Danish Maritime Trade 1639–1755, 2007 (partial connection to the centre).
Mortensen, Mette Tapdrup: Et hjem i byen? Pensionatet som urbant mikrokosmos ca. 1880-1960'erne, 2010. (A Home in the City? The Boarding House as an Urban Microcosm, 1880 to the 1960s). The project is published here.
Stokholm, Jeppe Norskov: Den moderne byplanlægnings fødsel i Danmark 1860 til 1920, 2010 (The birth of the modern town planning in Denmark, 1860 to 1920). See more information in Danish here.
Thomsen, Kristian Buhl: Strategier og ideologier i den danske sanerings og byfornyelsespolitik 1939-1990.(Strategies and Ideologies of the Danish Slum Clearance Policy and Urban Renewal Policy 1939-1990). Scholarship running from 2011 to 2014. Find more information in Danish here.