The Middle Ages is one of the most important eras in Danish urban history. The first Danish towns were founded and many of them grew to be the largest in the country. Though the urban life and cities of today are a completely different urban network, we still experience the same centres of town, walk the same streets and pass the great medieval monuments, churches and monasteries.
In Danmarks byer i middelalderen (Danish Towns in Medieval Times), the authors bring us on a historical guided tour through the Danish towns from 700s until the Reformation.
Reviews in the press
"A beautiful and well-illustrated publication which benefits all of us who are stuck in the past." (Steffen Heiberg, Politiken).
"... this publication will for many years be the prime work on the Danish medieval town. The book is well-arranged and provides the reader with a sense of the development of the town, and not least the the changing conditions for those who lived in the town." (Torben Svendrup, Noter - Historielærerforeningens fagblad).
"A must for all who are interested in the Middle Ages." (Skalk).
Danmarks byer i middelalderen (Danish Towns in Medieval Times)
Written by Hans Krongaard og Bjørn Poulsen. Edited by Kasper H. Andersen and Mikkel Thelle
Aarhus University Press, Den Gamle By and Danish Centre for Urban History, 2016
560 p., ill.
ISBN 978-87-7124-906-4