Economic landscapes and town economy

Under this headline, the centre has since its establishment in 2001 done research on the economic centrality of the towns in historical time. The theoretical starting point was mainly Walter Christaller’s and von Thünen’s classical theories. Additional theories have also been used such as the institutional angle from S.R. Epstein et. al. The research concentrated especially on towns as centres for trade, service and production. The main results are presented by Søren Bitsch Christensen in his contributions to the book Den klassiske købstad (The classical town) and to Erhvervshistorisk Årbog 2006 (The yearbook for Business History). The research results are integrated within the database “By og opland” (Town and Surrounding area). Different aspects of the towns’ economic life have also laid the foundation for several theses, such as Jeppe Klok Due’s thesis about the early industrial development in the province of Denmark. Parts of his thesis are published in Erhvervshistorisk Årbog 2008 (The Yearbook for Business History). Michael Bruus took a very different subject matter in his thesis where he described how the infrastructure for boat traffic in the same period was improved through the enlargement and modernisation of harbours. His thesis is published as Michael Levy Bruus: I sikker havn. Danske købstadshavnes modernisering 1798-1868 (Maritim Kontakt 29, 2007, s. 7-102). (In a safe Harbour: The modernisation of Danish town ports).